Monday, July 14, 2008

Gustav Klimt lady with fan painting

Gustav Klimt lady with fan painting
Douglas Hofmann midnight blue painting Their voices breaking, parents and grandparents of those lost on September 11 stood at the World Trade Center site and marked the third anniversary of the attacks by reciting the names of the 2,749 people who died there. The list took more than three hours, punctuated by tearful dedications when the readers reached the names of their own lost loved ones."We miss you very much, we love you very much, and we'll never forget you because you're in our hearts forever," said Stewart D. Wotton, looking skyward and remembering his son, Rodney James Wotton. Four moments of silence were observed at 8:46, 9:03, 9:59 and 10:29 a.m. — the precise times that the two planes slammed into the buildings and when they collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001. Both President Bush and Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry spoke on the anniversary of the attacks to pledge to root out terrorists who would attack the United States.At sundown, two powerful light beams inspired by the twin towers were projected upward, to remain on through the night. The memorial lights were first seen six months after the attack, with a plan to light them each year for the anniversary.

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