Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Leonardo da Vinci Virgin of the Rocks painting

Leonardo da Vinci Virgin of the Rocks paintingLeonardo da Vinci The Virgin and Child With St Anne paintingLeonardo da Vinci St John the Baptist painting
hell. An actor! Answer me this: what am I to tell my friends?"
And beneath a signature, the pathetic, petulant postscript. "Now that you have your own bad djinni, do not think you will inherit the magic lamp."
o o o
After that, Changez Chamchawala wrote to his son at irregular intervals, and in every letter he returned to the theme of demons and possession: "A man untrue to himself becomes a two-legged lie, and such beasts are Shaitan's best work," he wrote, and also, in more sentimental vein: "I have your soul kept safe, my son, here in this walnut-tree. The devil has only your body. When you are free of him, return and claim your immortal spirit. It flourishes in the
The hand in these letters altered over the years, changing from the florid confidence that had made it instantly identifiable and becoming narrower, undecorated, purified. Eventually the letters stopped, but Saladin heard from other sources that his father's preoccupation with the supernatural had

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