Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Romanello Country Reverie

Romanello Country ReverieRomanello Blues Skies PanelRomanello Blooming Isle Panel IRomanello Birch Creek
He pulled the diadem from his wrist and held it up. It was still hot, blackened with soot, but as he looked at it closely he was just able to make out the tiny words etched upon it; WIT BEYOND MEASURE IS MAN'S GREATEST TREASURE.
"Sorry?"    "Fiendfyre – cursed fire – it's one of the substances that destroy Horcruxes, but I would never, ever have dared use it, it's so dangerous – how did Crabbe know how to – ?"
   A bloodlike substance, dark and tarry, seemed to be leaking from the diadem. Suddenly Harry felt the thing vibrate violently, then break apart in his hands, and as it did so, he thought he heard the faintest, most distant scream of pain, echoing not from the grounds or the castle, but from the thing that had just fragmented in his fingers.

   "It must have been Fiendfyre!" whimpered Hermione, her eyes on the broken piece.

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