Sunday, May 3, 2009

Vincent van Gogh View of Arles with Irises I

Vincent van Gogh View of Arles with Irises IVincent van Gogh Wheatfield with a LarkVincent van Gogh Vegetable Gardens in MontmartreVincent van Gogh Vegetable gardens at the Montmartre
clothes had been laid out for him. Tonight there was something dashing in red and yellow . . .
. . . about now he'd be patrolling Treacle Mine Road . . . . . . and a hat. It had a feather in it.
Vimes dressed himself, and even wore the hat. And he seemed quite normal and composed, until you realized that he avoided meeting his own gaze in the mirror.

The Watch sat around thecards, and we get the King's Shilling when we join up,' said Nobby. 'We got kings all over the place except on that gold throne in the Palace. I'll tell you . . . there wouldn't be all this trouble around the place if we had a king.'
Carrot was staring at the ceiling, his eyebrows locked in concentration. Detritus was counting on his fingers.
'Oh, yes,' said Sergeant Colon. 'Beer'd be a penny a pint, big table in the guardroom and in deep gloom. They were Off Duty. They'd never really been Off Duty before.'What say we have a game of cards?' said Nobby, brightly. He produced a greasy pack from somewhere in the noisome recesses of his uniform.'You won everyone's wages off them yesterday,' said Sergeant Colon.'Now's the chance to win 'em back, then.''Yeah, but there were five kings in your hand, Nobby.'Nobby shuffled the cards.' 'S'funny, that,' he said, 'there's kings everywhere, when you look.''There certainly is if you look up your sleeve.''No, I mean, there's Kings Way in Ankh, and kings in

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