Tuesday, April 28, 2009

George Inness The Coming Storm

George Inness The Coming StormGeorge Inness SunsetGeorge Inness Peace and PlentyGeorge Inness Delaware Water Gap
woodlands to enable future generations to appreciate the sublime beauty of wild Nature transformed by Man. There have been the high spot, if such it could be called, of his career. For example, they contained the ornamental trout lake, one hundred and fifty yards long and, because of one of those trifling errors of notation that were such a distinctive feature of Bloody Stupid's designs, one inch wide. It was the home of one trout, which was quite comfortable provided it didn't try to turn around, and had once featured an ornate fountain which, when first switched on, did nothing but groan ominously for five minutes and then fire a small stone cherub a thousand feet into the air.
It contained the hoho, which was like a haha only deeper. A haha is a concealed ditch Capability Brown, Sagacity Smith, Intuition De Vere Slade-Gore . . .In Ankh-Morpork, there was Bloody Stupid Johnson.Bloody Stupid 'It Might Look A Bit Messy Now But Just You Come Back In Five Hundred Years' Time' Johnson. Bloody Stupid 'Look, The Plans Were The Right Way Round When I Drew Them' Johnson. Bloody Stupid Johnson, who had 2,000 tons of earth built into an artificial hillock in front of Quirm Manor because 'It'd drive me mad to have to look at a bunch of trees and mountains all day long, how about you?'The Ankh-Morpork palace grounds were considered

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